- 專任教授
- 孫維欣
- Wei-Hsin Sun
- (02) 2826-7268 (office) / ext.66265 (Lab)
- weihsin@nycu.edu.tw
- 圖書資訊暨研究大樓7樓R708 (office) /R704 (Lab)
- 專業領域
- 慢性疼痛 、疼痛分子機制、神經免疫 、 G 蛋白偶合受體 、訊息傳遞 、止痛藥物開發
Chronic pain, Molecular nociception, Neuroinflammation, G-protein coupled receptors, signal transduction, Drug discovery
- 研究方向
3-4.5%為神經病變痛。 最大止痛藥市場仍為美國,但亞太市場近年來快速成長。新止痛藥發展的方向主要為關節炎、癌症及神經病變痛,然目前治療藥物侷限於副作用大或療效短 (30~40% 神經病變痛病人對單ㄧ治療有50%止痛療效)。因之,瞭解慢性疼痛的分子機制且找到止痛藥標的基因,有助於新止痛藥的發展。膜上G蛋白偶合受體接受多種胞外訊息,藉由訊息傳遞路徑調控胞內生理反應,與許多疾病皆有關聯性常為作為藥物的標的物。本實驗室主要以類風濕關節炎、周邊神經損傷所引發慢性疼痛為臨床疾病模式,利用基因剔除或沈默小鼠,佐以動物行為測試及細胞分子、生理與藥理、單細胞鈣離子影像分析,探討慢性疼痛的分子機制。目前的研究著重於幾個方向:
- 急性疼痛轉換至慢性疼痛的分子機制:酸敏性G蛋白偶合受體於不同痛覺神經之交互作用機制
- 腸道菌與腦的對話:迷走神經的神經免疫調控與腸道菌之影響
- 周邊神經退化與慢性疼痛的分子機制:神經與神經膠細胞之交互作用機制
- 性別對慢性疼痛之影響:神經內分泌與免疫細胞之交互作用機制
- 止痛藥開發:利用細胞訊息與動物藥理測試進行藥物篩選,開發有效且具選擇性的止痛藥或治療方法,緩解持續性疼痛。
Chronic pain, when not effectively treated and relieved, may have a harmful effect on all aspects of
health-related quality of life. Although opioids and cannabinoids are well-known analgesic drugs of choice
for the treatment of pain, their utility is often limited by unacceptable side effects due to actions at identical
receptors outside of the pain pathway. Therefore, one of the major challenges in pain research is to identify
potent drug targets with no side effects. G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that represent a major class of
signal transduction play important roles in modulation of acute and chronic pain, which has highlighted their
potential as pain targets. My long-term goal is to understand the molecular mechanisms of chronic pain using
two major pain models, rheumatoid arthritis (Inflammatory/Nociplastic pain) and peripheral neuropathy
(neuropathic pain). Current Research are focused on several areas: (1) The transition from the acute to chronic pain – modulation of proton-sensing GPCRs on distinct nociceptors; (2) Gut Microbe to Brain signaling and
pain – neuroimmune modulation; (3) Peripheral nerve degeneration and pain – interaction between neurons
and glial cells; (4) sexual diamorphism in functional pain syndromes – neurohormonal modulation; (5)
Analgesic drug development. Genetic techniques (such as knockout, knockdown), pain behavioral tests,
pharmacological assays, cell-based system, and calcium/sodium imaging techniques are used to study the
mechanisms of chronic pain.
- 教授科目
- 生物化學、細胞訊息傳導與疾病